
Monday, 25 May 2020

The Lie Of You by Jane Lythell

The Lie Of YouThe Lie Of You by Jane Lythell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Can you hide your deepest fear?

To the outside world, Kathy is the very picture of a happy and fulfilled modern woman. She has a beautiful baby boy, a clever, handsome husband and a glamorous, high-powered job.

But not everybody is fooled. Her employee, Heja, knows the truth: the cracks in Kathy's marriage, her self-doubt, her fear of failure at work. Heja is perfectly placed to destroy Kathy's life. And if she succeeds, she can claim the one thing she wants most...

As psychological thrillers go this wasn’t the best I’ve read not the worse. Centred around three main characters this is a somewhat tragic tale about love, loss, obsession and jealousy.

Told through two viewpoints, Kathy married to Marcus is a first time new mum juggling a pressurised job at a magazine and new baby who doesn’t really know her husband of two years either. Insecurities at the start mean the foundation of her marriage are not secure and knowing nothing about Marcus and his refusal to talk about his past means that she becomes paranoid at times.

Marcus is a cold fish, he appears to be very closed, even his speech appears to be guarded and stilted. Perhaps this was intentional by the writer to highlight he is Finnish but it was irritating. Similarly the character of Heja was treated to the same traits and both these characters suffered because of it being unlikeable and one dimensional.

The idea was good but I just didn’t feel we ever really got to know the characters which made it a bit hollow for me. I didn’t connect with any of them and although the reasons behind behaviour of characters came from deeper traumas as a reader I didn’t get that emotional pull.

Not a bad read but not a great read, would give this one a three star rating as missed opportunities and lack of depth in characterisation let this down.

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