
Wednesday, 26 June 2019

The Passengers by John Marrs

The PassengersThe Passengers by John Marrs
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When someone hacks into the systems of eight self-drive cars, their passengers are set on a fatal collision course. 

The passengers are: a TV star, a pregnant young woman, a disabled war hero, an abused wife fleeing her husband, an illegal immigrant, a husband and wife - and parents of two - who are travelling in separate vehicles and a suicidal man. Now the public have to judge who should survive but are the passengers all that they first seem?

What a high octane ride of a book -I couldn’t put it down. Such a scarily believable story so much so that I will never own an automated car.

8 people seemingly picked at random find themselves trapped passengers in their automated cars as a hacker takes control of their cars and their lives.

Their fate is broadcast over social media and soon the voting begins to choose who lives and who dies based on selected information shared with the media about the passengers.

So bang up to date with information technology that it is frighteningly plausible and completely addictive. I read this book in a day it was compulsive and shockingly compelling. I have not read John Marrs before this book but I will definitely be seeking him out in future.

Original and cleverly written with a pace as fast as the cars hurtling towards each other in a nail biting octane fuelled ride - brilliantly executed and worth 5 stars - I shall be looking out for the Netflix series.

I would like to thank the publisher for sending this in exchange for an honest review.

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