
Saturday, 23 April 2016

Dewey's 24 hour readathon April 2016

So already I seem to be a little behind in the readathon this year. I have been faffing, I went and did a good deed though, I handed out 16 books for #worldbooknight which made me feel really good, after catching up on the internet I am now finally ready to begin. So, so far not a good one as it is hour 3 and I haven't even read a page... I did buy a couple of books this morning however, so I think these will be added to my list to read today. OK so all mini challenges I complete will be updated to this page. 

Hour 8 - 10:
On a break - caught up and had dinner. 

Hour 7: 

Pages: 61
Number of books: 1
Total pages: 261
Total books: 1

Hour 6:

Pages: 61
Number of books: 
Total pages: 200

Total books: 

Hour 5:

Pages: 87
Number of books: 
Total pages: 139
Total books: 

I decided not to do the Mini Challenge for hour 4 as I want to get into reading!

Hour 4: 
Pages: 52
Number of books: 
Total pages: 52
Total books: 

I decided not to do the Mini Challenge hour 3.

Mini Challenge 2: Hour 2:
Ok, here are my top books I read as a child, I can't actually remember more than 3 as I tend to go crazy over an author and read all of their books in the series. So here are the 3:

1. My earliest memory of a book I loved was Katy Laura and the dream boat. This was a short story, I think one of the very first I was able to read on my own. I also loved having this read to me. 

2. Anything by Jacqueline Wilson - I literally had the entire set of her books, I also used to read them to my baby brother!

3. I really loved my stage books when I was at school. Biff, Chip and Kipper in The Magic Key series. 

Number of books: 
Total pages:
Total books: 

Mini Challenge 1: Hour 1 

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

Well hello! I am over here in the U.K. South of England to be exact. :)

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

I am trying something different today, I have decided not to have a TBR pile, which I have created just for the readathon. I am going to be reading whatever my mood is. So I can't answer this question at the moment.

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

Snack??! Well I am going to say my dinner - going to have fajitas, I have been so hungry today already I have eaten more than I do in a normal day...

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

OK, this is my fourth 24hour readathon, each one I participate I tend to read less than the previous one, I know that is not a good sign, however I really am going to try and exceed my target today!

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

I am most looking forward to getting time to sit and read for a long period of time. I have been in a little reading slump the last couple of weeks so I am really hoping to get out of it today.

Each hour I will leave my stats as shown: 

Number of books: 
Total pages:
Total books:


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Suze, so far its not been the best of starts... it's hour 5 and I have only just over 100 pages! in an hour or 2 I also have to go and pick some people up so I will loose and hour or so there too!

      Are you joining in this time?

  2. It's Hour 11 and it sounds like you're doing Excellent! You've got in a whole book which is more than I can say. Good Luck for the rest of the #readathon! #TeamRogue
