
Friday, 17 April 2015

The Little Things - Jane Costello

The Little ThingsThe Little Things by Jane Costello
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An exclusive ebook novella from bestselling author Jane Costello to celebrate the publication of her new novel, The Love Shack.

At twenty-eight, Hannah MacFarlane's career is on course to smash the glass ceiling and beat it into submission.

Then a shock company reshuffle leaves her sacked and bewildered, while her fiancé is promoted into a job nearly 5,000 miles away in Dubai.

Five months later, she is jobless, broke and worryingly addicted to Loose Women. Then her older sister Suzy intervenes after her child minder left them in the lurch and offers Hannah the job of looking after her FOUR young children.

Hannah has no other option but to accept. But while she was great at playing 'Cool Auntie', she soon discovers - with riotous consequences - that she is no Mary Poppins . . .

By now you know I love a novella, they are great to break up larger books and allow you to slip into another world for a lunch hour or two.

Jane Costello is an author who has been popular lately and bas really taken off as a good chick lit writer and this novella is no exception to the standard of her books.

When I found 'The little things' on Amazon for free I had to make sure I snapped it up. I was not disappointed.

Hannah has a good job and is expecting a promotion at work. Her boyfriend also works for the company and as her promotion can leave to living over seas, they think this is going to be a brilliant new beginning for them. However th promotion meeting doesn't quite go to plan...

Hannah stays here while her boyfriend has been lucky enough to get a promotion and moves to Dubai, this is a stop gap, they both agree that Hannah will come and meet him out there once she has found a job. 5 months later Hannah is still jobless and her sister gives her the opportunity to be her children's nanny, until something better comes along.

This is a struggle for Hannah, she doesn't have children of her own and finds that it is more hard work than she imagined. This is extremely amusing and the way the humour has come across in this novella is brilliant. The school pick up night mares with 'yummy mummy' s' . Homework fiascos and other drama that comes along with looming after small children.

Although this is just over 120 pages, which is quite long for a novella, the story is told brilliantly and the characters are well developed. I didn't feel cheated by the length of the story as I found the characters were well created and believable .

I really loved this novella and it has really got me in the mood to read Jane's nee release. If the pace and structure is as good as this novella we are in for a treat! If you have not read this, what are you waiting for? Especially if it is still free on Amazon.

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