
Wednesday, 22 April 2015

My third 24 hour read-a-thon, info and TBR

It's that time of year again when Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon is upon us, I must say it is one of my favourite times of year. This is my third 24 hour read-a-thon now and I really look forward to them. Just spending the entire day reading and catching up with my TBR is great, I finally begin to feel like I am getting somewhere with it! 

This year I applied to be a challenge host, over the past read-a-thons I have really loved participating in challenges, they break up the day but also allow me to interact with loads of other readers and discover some fab blogs. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful this time around as there were so many people who applied! I am certainly going to be joining in with as many challenges as possible as it is such a fun part of the day. 

So anyway back to what I am going to be reading... I have signed up for a couple of blog tours so it is really important I read this books during the read-a-thon to make sure I am ready for those. Other than that I have decided I would quite like to pick up a mixture of long and short books. I will also be reading one on the kindle, just to break up the print a bit. Lately I have also seemed to read quicker on the kindle so if I am having a bit of a slow hour or two then I will be switching to that. I am also in the middle of an audio book and would quite like to finish that too. This maybe a bit of light bed time listening I think!

The last read-a-thons I have not managed to stay up for the full 24 hours. To be honest I have not been worried, if I have managed to read a book or two then I am happy. I do however have a very large pile of books at the moment and I would really love to make a huge dent in them so staying up for 24 hours seems like a good idea at the moment! Realistically though I think 16/18 hours is more likely. 

So what am I planning on reading I hear you say...

The audio book I have to finish is : 
The Year I Met You - Cecelia Ahern (I have about 5 hours left to listen to.)

The two books I must finish as I am part of blog tours are:
The Happy ever after life of Rosie Potter - Kate Winter 
Catch me if you Cannes - Lisa Dickenson 

The ebooks I would like to read are: 
Wellies and Westies - Cressida McLaughlin (this is a novella)
Dangerous Boys - Abigail Haas 

As you can see that is quite a large list as it is, however if I am going great then the other books I would like to try and read are:

The Accident Season - Moira Fowley - Doyle
His other life - Beth Thomas 
The Day we Disappeared - Lucy Robinson
Summer at Shell Cottage - Lucy Diamond

Like I said I would be so happy if I even got onto the second lot of books but we will see. 

Let me know if you are joining in with the read-a-thon this year, any tips you have or what your TBR pile is like. I will be looking forward to visiting all your blogs to check out your posts, so let me know where I can find you. If you are not participating this year, have a look at the website, there still maybe time. It would be great to have you on board. 

I would like to thank you if you are still reading this post and I hope you are looking forward to the read-a-thon as much as me. If you want to connect with me on the day then I am on twitter - @sam_smith73 and you can also find me on instagram - here where I will be posting pics from the day, either through challenges or just love of books/snacks!


  1. I whizzed through the new Lucy Robinson is that helps! Hope you enjoy your readathon, I have found 20ish hours achievable but am trying for the full 24 this time :O We will see...

    1. Oh that is good to know, I think hers is probably the thickest on my pile to read. I wanted to go for shorter books as it makes me feel better!
      Wow the full 24! That's good going! Good luck, I hope you make it. I will visit your page throughout the day I am sure so will be able to keep up with your progress.

  2. A whole 24 hours of reading? Sounds like bliss! How do you keep distractions at bay though?

    1. Yes, I never manage 24 hours but I do what I can and if I read more than I normally do it makes me happy. Distractions are a bit of a pain and I do spend a lot of time on Twitter and others blogs on the day. It's all part of the fun though.
