
Friday, 3 April 2015

Mom Made Us Write This In The Summer - Ali Maier

Mom Made Us Write This In The SummerMom Made Us Write This In The Summer by Ali Maier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A sister and brother, forced to write in the summer, and share ONE journal? Ugh.

This is exactly what happens to 10-year-old twins Maggie and Max Pruitt. When Mom comes up with a plan for them to keep a summer journal, Maggie and Max can’t believe it. Worse yet, they have to share!

This is a really fun book, I would say for children ages 8-12 especially for those who have siblings. This story is about Max and Maggie, 10 year old twins, who have just broken up for the summer holidays and mum has bought them a journal to write in and make sure they get along. They are required to share the journal and write in about their summer holiday, so this is written in journal format.

I really loved the format of the book and it really made it fun and interesting to read, the font inside is slightly different depending on who is doing the writing so it makes it really clear to follow and understand. I also loved all the scribbling inside, of pictures or enlarged letters, this really gave it the feel of being a journal and something that they children love to write in.

I really loved this book, although I am slightly older than 12! It is brilliant for children as it covers bickering and squabbling with a sibling, it helps them understand the thoughts that perhaps the other is having.Both Max and Maggie find it frustrating that they have to understand the others point of view, however they over come it.

I really liked the style of this book and I think it will prove to be extremely popular. Especially for long car journeys in the summer or on a plane trip. As an adult you will also enjoy it, remembering childhood memories that you may have had with your own sibling, and the doodles in the book are sure to make you giggle.

This is one book that I strongly recommend, I would like to thank the publisher for sending this in exchange for an honest review.

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