
Sunday, 22 June 2014

Weekly Wrap Up - Week 5

This week has been a bit of a funny week, I haven't been very well and was in hospital over the weekend so my reading unfortunately has suffered. I have been spending the week trying to get over my illness and so I have been sleeping and resting a lot. As I have not managed to read a lot I have decided not to break down the pages and books read (I have only managed to read one book this week!!)

Fingers crossed next week will be back to normal and I will get a lot more reading done. Luckily my TBR hasn't grown too much this week so I don't feel like they are piling too high... 

Please link up your weekly posts though using the Linkin below and I am sorry my reading has been so awful this week, fingers crossed next week will be better!

I do have some good news though and that is that I reached my Goodreads reading goal this week! I have read a grand total of 70 books so far this year! I have now just upped my goal to 90!


  1. Congratulations on reading your goal! Not so much on the rest though. I hope you'll feel better again next week, take good care! Hugs xx

  2. Hey .. tried to link up but it kept on telling me page not found. :( never mind xxx

    1. Hey, I have just checked for you and it is telling me you are all linked up... :) its a slightly different link to the one I had the other week - not liking this one too much as you can't see who has linked theirs in and so it does not make it easy for others to visit your page, because of this I am going to try and use the other version next week!
