
Sunday, 1 June 2014

Weekly Wrap Up - Week 2

Welcome to my second weekly wrap up! I would like to say that I think I have done better with my reading this week. But I am not sure my stas will reflect this! It has been half term so I have been spending more time with my hubby as he has been off work. This is my excuse if I haven't done as well!!!


Number of books I have read: 1

Number of pages I have read: 80

Total number of books: 1

Total number of pages: 80

Name of books: The Travelling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones


Number of books I have read: 2

Number of pages I have read: 272

Total number of books: 2

Total number of pages: 352

Name of books: The Travelling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones and Blue by Lisa Glass


Number of books I have read: 1

Number of pages I have read: 98

Total number of books: 2

Total number of pages: 450

Name of books: The Travelling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones and Blue by Lisa Glass


Number of books I have read: 1

Number of pages I have read: 44

Total number of books: 3

Total number of pages: 494

Name of books: The Travelling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones, Blue by Lisa Glass and This song will save your life by Leila Sales


Number of books I have read: 1

Number of pages I have read: 101

Total number of books: 3

Total number of pages: 595

Name of books: The Travelling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones, Blue by Lisa Glass and This song will save your life by Leila Sales


Number of books I have read: 1

Number of pages I have read: 118

Total number of books: 4

Total number of pages: 713

Name of books: The Travelling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones, Blue by Lisa Glass, This song will save your life by Leila Sales and The Wrong Knickers by Bryony Gordon


Number of books I have read: 1

Number of pages I have read: 

Total number of books: 

Total number of pages: 

Name of books: The Travelling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones, Blue by Lisa Glass, This song will save your life by Leila Sales and The Wrong Knickers by Bryony Gordon

As you can see on Wednesday I picked up a completely random book, this is not a review book but one when I was out in London I picked up. I needed to waste a bit of time so decided the best thing to do would be grab a book and a coffee. So this is why I have a random book thrown in there. I will be finishing it, it is very good, I may have to slip it in between review books though so I am guessing it will take a whole to finish. 

I think that although it's been half term I have actually achieved a lot this week for reading and am very pleased with my progress. I had some shorter books to read this week so that I think helped me mentally to get through them. I also found a couple of them really quick and easy reads. 

Other Book Bloggers Taking Part:

Tracey over at: traceybooklover you can also find her on twitter here

Lily over at: lilysreads you can also find her on twitter here

Jo over at: cometbabesbooks you can also find her on twitter here

AJcraftbox over at ajbookreviewclub you can also find her on twitter here


  1. You've made quite a bit of progress with reading this week and the books sound great, I can't wait to read your reviews!

  2. Thanks! I had a bit of a let down on Saturday though. Some of the reviews won't be up a while yet, so many posts are scheduled!!!

  3. I'll just wait and see then, I really like your blog so I'll be checking in regularly...

    1. Aww thanks, that's lovely of you to say :)
