
Thursday, 26 June 2014

#sunathon Week Long Read-a-thon

From the 21st to the 27th July, book bloggers from all around the world will be taking part in #sunathon. 

What is #sunathon? Created by Emma Louise (EmmaIsWriting), for that particular week in the gorgeous sun (or rain in you’re in the UK), we’re going to read. It doesn’t matter how much you read, as long as you make time for reading. 

There are a lot of people around the world who are blind to the magical world books and it’s a shame. More of us should read. This is a week long read-a-thon: Monday-Sunday because a lot of book bloggers have full time jobs and they squeeze reading in between. 

Use #sunathon to follow book bloggers around the world talking about it. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the UK, America, Malaysia or Germany – it’s about us all coming together to read.

Make sure you follow each other, cheer one another on. Who knows maybe next year, we’ll be back? You can tweet along your book journey and at the end of it all, blog about what you read and what you’re going to read next. 

So the only thing that is left to do is decide on a TBR for the week... This is going to be coming very soon! I would love to know if you are going to be participating in this read-a-thon so leave me a comment below if you are and what you intend to read. 


  1. this sounds great fun, ill be in it for sure. Then i can make the excuse that i cant miss a Readathon and get out of the boring stuff.
    Gill x

  2. I definitely want to sign up! Sounds like fun!

  3. Yay! look forward to you joining.

  4. Yay! When I did sign up for this I wasn't going to be working ha ha now I am, I am not sure I am going to be able to get much reading done... I will be trying though! :)

  5. Replies
    1. Hey Tracy a TBR is your books 'to be read' hope that helps. X
