
Tuesday, 10 June 2014

How I got into reviewing and blogging - Week 6

This is the final week of How I got into reviewing and blogging and today on The Book Corner we have Jo she has very kindly joined us to talk about her experiences as a blogger and reviewer. 


Hi Jo,


I got into blogging by accident really, I had been working 2 jobs and finished one of the jobs and was looking for something to fill my time, also at the time it was possible that I was gonna be made redundant from the other job I had and fancied a change from Finance.

As I loved reading, I thought maybe I could do something with books but not sure what. I had seen a woman on the TV talking about proof reading, as a reader there is nothing worse than reading a book with loads of mistakes in it. It was while I was looking into this I came across some bloggers reviews and after thinking about it for a couple of weeks I decided to set my blog up on blogger, I’m always being asked by friends what books are good etc, I thought this would be the perfect way of telling them all about the books I have read without having to keep repeating what I like about them.

I set my blog up in September 2013 and it has really gone from there. As I looked on twitter I found a whole community of book bloggers and love all of them. I also like that you can interact with authors and have met some really lovely ones through twitter. I would like to thank Shaz fictionaddiction and Charlotte BestChicklit, they have both been really supportive and helpful, especially in the early days. At the end of the day my blog is for me, but I am so happy so many people choose to read it and support me every day.

Thanks for having me on your blog today.

Jo xx

You can follow Jo on Twitter here
She also has a wonderful blog over at cometbabesbooks make sure you check it out. 

I would like to say thanks to everyone who has taken part in The Book Corner's first ever feature and without you lovely lot, it wouldn't have been able to happen. I cannot believe that 6 weeks have already flown by!!! I hope you have all enjoyed reading about how people have managed to start reviewing and blogging and maybe it has given you some inspiration to do it yourself if you are not already a blogger. 

I hope to create more features in the near future and if you would like to participate or have an idea for one, please get in touch. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a great post, it was very nice to read it! And to learn how Jo started blogging, Great questions and replies!
