
Monday, 19 May 2014

#Boutofbooks Read-a-thon Wrap Up!

#Boutofbooks was a read-a-thon running from 12th - 18th May, this was BoutofBooks10, but the first I had participated in. 

I set myself some goals, not all of these I stuck to, mainly the ones about which books I was going to read was a fail! However I did exceed my target of reading 3 books, just not the three I originally thought. 

I started off the week finishing a book that I was reading before the read-a-thon got going. This was a read a long that I was doing with Catriona over at fabulousbookfiend I managed to finish this on the Monday and Monday happened to be my best reading day, where I read over 300 pages!!! 

Each day I wrote down the number of pages I had read for that day in order for my to keep up to date and be able to link my progree on #boutofbooks. I actually found this helped keep my motivation but quickly found out that if I hadn't read that much in a certain day, felt like I had failed. 

So these were the books I managed to read during the week. 

I began finishing off Attachments, this was the second book I have read by Rainbow Rowell and my review of this book will be coming up on 26/5/14. I really enjoyed this and found it to be a very speedy read!

The next book I read in the week was Thirteen Weddings by Paige Toon, I loved this book, but then again I love everything that Paige writes so this was not unexpected. This book is out this week on the 22/5/14 and that is also the day my review goes live. Make sure you check back to read about it! Its one fab summer read!!!

This was my third read during the week and a new author for me, I had never read anything from Sinead Moriarty before but was looking forward to it. My review of this is going live on 2/6/14. 

The book that I am currently reading is this by Lucy Robinson. I must be honest, I am finding this a little of a struggle to get into, saying this I am only just into it by a hundred pages or so, so I think I need to give it a chance. This is quite a thick book too so I am excited to see where it goes. 

I did start another book this week, however put it down after 50 pages or so as I was finding it difficult to get into, I will pick it up again but I thought it was better to leave it for after the read-a-thon. 

This is the book that I have put down and will pick up again at another time. I believe I struggled with it as it is not my typical genre and I kept trying to make sense of things. Sci - Fi is not one of the genres I enjoy reading, however I was sent this from a publisher so I am trying to read it. I am hoping that I can get into it. This is the first in a YA series. 

Why did I take part in #boutofbooks?

I love any excuse to read, I do spend a lot of my time reading now as I am currently off work, but I feel that I could get more reading done than I do. I wanted to set a target for myself to follow and try to stick to. I think I did quite well, I achieved more than the 3 books I had set myself up for reading so I am pleased about that. I also wanted to meet other bloggers who have participated in the #boutofbooks before and I have managed to connect with some of them during the week. 


I managed to participate in a few challenges during the week. I also joined in with the twitter chat on the Monday which I enjoyed. Below are some of the challenges I participated in. 

10 Summer titles I am looking forward to

All other challenges

Will I be participating in the next #boutofbooks?

Unfortunately no, this is not through choice, however I am on holiday - the only week of the year and it has to be while the read-a-thon is on!!! I will be reading during my holiday but it is not a beach holiday so I doubt I will read too much. I will hopefully be participating in the following one though. Saying this, I do not think the one after that is until 2015, just a thought #boutofbooks, couldn't there be another in the winter time? 

Has anything changed for me now?

Since joining in with #boutofbooks I have realised by setting small targets such as read so many page by a time or a few chapters, this has helped me read more. So I have decided that I am going to keep account of the books I read in a week and do a wrap up on a Sunday of all the books I have read during that week and the number of pages. I believe this will spur me on to continue reading a lot. If anyone would like to join in with me let me know on Twitter and we can organise linking up. 

I had a great week, and now the weather is beautiful outside i'm off to enjoy the sun with a book! 

Let me know how your week has been and how you got on. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your week! This one was my first one as well and I loved it! Here are my Bob RaT Stats
