
Monday, 10 February 2014

Just a girl standing in front of a boy - Lucy- Anne Holmes

Just a Girl, Standing in Front of a BoyJust a Girl, Standing in Front of a Boy by Lucy-Anne Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'My love story may not be the sort you read about in books or see in films . . . Love stories have glorious highs and ghastly lows. But when it comes to my own life, I'd have to say, you can keep your fabulous highs and I'll happily steer clear of the terrible lows.' 

After a rocky start in life, Jenny Taylor, 27, star receptionist at the local doctors surgery, has things all worked out thanks to 'The Smiling Fanny Manifesto' - a list of 10 daily things she must do to keep the blues at bay. But her life is turned upside down when she meets aspiring musician Joe King. And reliable boyfriend Matt proposes. And then her mum leaves her dad and moves into Jenny's flat determined to 'bond'.

This was the first book I have read by Lucy, and I am so glad I did. I have felt let down lately by some chick lits, I felt they haven't delivered in a way that I wanted. This was certainly not one of those books!

I found this extremely easy to get into and once I got into it I didn't want to put it down. It had me laughing and crying throughout.

Jenny Taylor AKA fanny is a very likable character and I fell in love with her from the start. I felt that she was a character you could relate to well. All characters introduced in the story are well thought out and developed. They l have a valid reason for being there and have their own personalities. Jenny's mum turning up was a bit of a shock, but I felt it worked well and she adapted to Jenny and her friends lives.

This book illustrates love in the real world and that it is not always as it seems, this brings reality to the book, but Lucy writes it in such a way that it has you routing for the characters. This is ' real' love.

The way the book is written is brilliant, it has taken me a while to find a book that flows so well and has you wanting to not put the book down. It has the right mix of humour and sadness and still manages to pick you up.

This is not your average romantic chick lit and I would advise everyone to read it, it is funny but real.

I would like to thank the publisher for sending me this copy for an honest review.

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