
Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Star Paws, Animal Dress Up, Amazing Jobs - Macmillan Children's Books

Star Paws, Animal Dress Up, Amazing Jobs Sticker Book. 

Macmillan Children's Books

5 of 5* 

'Come on everyone. It's time to get up, get dressed and get ready for work! There are plenty of sticker outfits to choose from, including doctor, gardener, film director, spaceman, dentist, pop star and wrestler - you'll be completely spoilt for choice!'

When Macmillan contacted me to ask if I would like to review the star paws series I jumped at the chance as my class of year 1 children I knew would love these. This book in particular has been perfect as our topic is 'Ourselves' at the moment and we  have been talking about what jobs we would like to do. This introduces different job types from the traditional, doctor, dentist, office worker, to the more exotic such as pop star, film director and spaceman. 

The children were slightly disappointed in this book, as they wanted to choose nurse and ballerina like the characters on the front. Unfortunately these were not available inside. 

Again the names of the characters are great in the book and inside it comes with hundreds of stickers to dress up the characters for their day at work.  The contents page is set out as a job application which is a brilliant idea for this particular book. The text is again humorous and each page has an instruction caption on to help the children complete this independently. The language is in child friendly speak and they should manage to complete without adult input. 

Again it would  have been nice if the stickers had been re-usable so the children could have had longer playing with the book. This said though, both myself and the children enjoyed sharing and talking about this book, they especially enjoyed adding all the stickers to the characters. 

I would like to thank Macmillan for sending me this review copy. 

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