
Sunday, 23 June 2013

hi, My nAMe is MiLes - Heather Zeissler

 Hi, My nAMe is MiLes by Heather Zeissler
My rating:  5 of 5 stars

This is an advanced copy of 'hi My nAMe is MiLes' this ebook was sent to me by the author in exchange for a honest review.

This book moves on from hi, my name is Milly. In this book we meet Miles, Miles is Malcolm's younger brother. Malcolm is now 5. In this story Apraxia is developed slighly more, again all in child friendly language. ' Malcolm knows what he wants to say, but his mouth won't say it.'

In this story we read it through the perspective of Miles, as you read the story you begin to understand his personality, this is very different from Milly, that we saw in 'hi my name is Milly'. Mile's comes across more as the big brother and doesn't understand why others cannot understand him when he can.

Apraxia as a condition is explained more in the story and you understand all the things families have to go through and what the child who has the condition has to deal with. Throughout the story you see Malcolm's development with the condition and how he copes with new stages of his life.
You also see that Malcolm is just the same as a normal child, he feels and thinks the same as them. 'Malcolm and I don't like peas'.

The story also covers issues between siblings and that they feel it is unfair that Malcolm gets to do something that they don't. It also touches on Malcolm's thoughts and feelings, sometimes he doesn't understand why he has to do things differently.

Throughoout the story the children hear adults talking about things they don't understand, the correct names for sensory games/speech and language activities etc. The answers from the children in the book are like others, they don't understand these, this shows why it is so important for adults to explain the words they are using to children.

Children don't see differences in people and think that everyone is the same, they don't understand if they get to do different/fun things, these issues are addressed in this story and I feel this would be especially relevent to any children who have siblings with a condition like this but also for other children in a classroom. Sometimes there is a child who is seen to be given 'special behaviour' it is important they know why. It is also an important message for parents living with children, one or more who have the condition as a reminder not to neglect the others. 
The story also touches on things that Malcolm can do and Miles can't, and Miles looks up to him as a big brother should. Although Malcolm has a condition it doesn't mean that he cannot be good at something and this issue is addressed very well. 

Again as a story promoting Apraxia and giving awareness of it,  Heather Zeissler covers the subject well, it is an emotional journey of one family living with a child with Apraxia and how children grow up with this condition.  As a primary school teacher I would read this story to children in the lower school, there are many children who maybe able to relate to it and understand that they are not alone. Children I have taught have had speech and language therapy and I believe a story like this would help them open up.

The book has beautiful illustrations and Heather Zeissler has approached this area well, it is clear she has an indepth knowledge in this area.

This book is available to buy 1st July 2013

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